Rave-A-Roo would love to accommodate any specific access needs our ravers may have. Ideally, we would like to know in advance when to expect anyone with access requirements, so that we can improve their visit as much as possible.

For more information about access at Rave-A-Roo, Ministry of Sound, download the information pack below.


Please get in touch with our Rave-A-Roo Access Officer via email with any specific requirements that you, your friends or your family may have. We’ll get back in to you ASAP with answers and options.

Email access@rave-a-roo.com with 'ACCESS' and your name in the subject line.





I came across Rave-A-Roo on an email about events in London and I was really

interested in taking the child I care for as he loves lights and music. He

has previously enjoyed children's shows at the theatre but doesn't get any

opportunities to go to discos. 


Due to the severity of his autism and his various access needs I contacted

Rave-A-Roo before our first visit and they were very friendly and helpful from

the start. They were honest in that I was the first person to ask about specific

access needs but wanted to understand and help us the best they could. 


They accommodated my request to have a pre-opening tour, as this allowed us

to get our bearings and show him everywhere before it got very crowded (which

it does)! 


All the staff inside (and the public, in fact) were very friendly. He is welcomed and smiled at, even when not behaving like everyone else. 


I have continued to give feedback on our visits and this has been listened

to and acted upon, meaning we can continue to have great visits. 


Rave-A-Roo is particularly suitable for the child I take, as the lively shows

keep his interest. While he loves light and music, a simple disco wouldn't

hold his interest for long. So the shows are great because he can enjoy watching

as well as listening. He also loves the inflatables that are distributed

amongst the audience during shows. These provide something to fiddle and flap with

and are a novelty item he doesn't usually get to interact with. 


From our point of view the only thing that could be improved on (although

space probably prevents this) would be to offer a quieter space for those

that need a break from all the noise without having to leave.